Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service secures successful prosecution
ATS Euromaster, in Southampton, has been fined £7500 after pleading guilty to charges relating to inadequate fire safety standards under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Proceedings were brought following a visit to the Southampton property by HFRS Fire Safety Officers who found significant contraventions of fire safety measures within the building. These included:
Obstruction of a fire exit (£2,000 fine).
Failure to provide lighting in escape route (£2,000 fine).
Insufficient fire safety training for the manager (£1,500 fine).
Failure to provide adequate means of giving warning in case of fire (£1,000 fine).
Not having carried out a suitable fire risk assessment (£1,000 fine).
Speaking after the case, Assistant Chief Officer Steve Hamm, Head of Community Safety for Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service said:
"This case clearly demonstrates how our fire safety officers are successfully inspecting buildings and applying the law to help ensure the safety of our community and making Hampshire safer. We work closely with businesses to help them with their duty to comply under the Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order, but where their responsibilities are not taken seriously, the Service will always consider prosecution."
"We would like this case to act as a timely reminder to business owners and landlords throughout Hampshire that the Fire Safety Order is in place. The safety of the public is our primary concern. Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service will continue to utilise all the powers available to us in enforcing fire safety legislation."
"The Service believes that this prosecution, together with the scale of the fine gives a clear message to members of the business community in Hampshire of the need to understand their responsibilities and to comply with fire safety law."
The company pleaded guilty to the five charges at Southampton Magistrates' Court on 2 November. Sentencing took place on Monday, 14 December before District Judge Callaway.