Residential landlord fined for 'blatant contravention' of prohibition order
A London landlord has been ordered to pay out thousands of pounds after putting tenants’ lives in danger.
Adrian Francis Lasrado was prosecuted under the Housing Act in connection with a second-floor property on London Road, Hackbridge, Sutton, which had been converted into a self-contained flat.
The layout was so badly done there was no safe means of escape if there was a fire, according to Sutton Council. This prompted the council's environmental health officers to impose a prohibition order banning people from living at the flat.
Planning officers also issued a separate order requiring the removal of a dormer window which had been built at the rear of the property. This was ruled to have had a detrimental impact on the character and visual appearance of the terrace of houses and on the amenity of the area.
But despite being aware of the risks, the landlord placed a family with two young children in the property - in direct contravention of the prohibition order.
He was subsequently prosecuted and fined £10,000 for the planning offence and a maximum of £5,000 for failing to comply with the prohibition order, both under the Housing Act 2004. Costs of £3,585 were also awarded.
Cllr Jayne McCoy, Sutton Council’s executive member for planning, economic development and housing, said:
“These were blatant contraventions, which placed the lives of vulnerable tenants at risk”.
“The fines issued are extremely high and reflect the seriousness of the offences and the disregard shown by Mr Lasrado to the law and the safety of his tenants”.
Mr Lasrado, of Taylor Road, Wallington, appeared before Sutton Magistrates’ Court on 2nd March. He reappeared before the court on 16th March for a costs and compensation hearing.