Easy Payment Plan...
Advanced Fire Technologies is pleased to offer our Clients the convenience of paying for their "Fire Safety Services" by Direct Debit*
Subject to amount, clients can now pay for their essential services with a conveniently agreed amount over two, four, six or twelve Monthly Instalments.
Client Advantages
Little or No Capital Outlay
Our service delivery is completely "Transparent". The Direct debit facility requires no lump Sum payment to be made "in advance for service visits". No worrying about Capital Outlay; will the Company chosen still be Trading in 9 Months? Advanced Fire Technologies will be taking the Risk! Waiting a full twelve Months for a return with Final Payment.
Deposit or No Deposit... You Decide!
No Interest Charged
Non interest bearing, no fees added. Simply the "Fire Safety Services fee split into Manageable Monthly Amounts".
Easy Budgeting for Accounts Department
A full Tax Reclaim Statement will be forwarded upon commencement, ensuring a smooth transaction history within your company accounts.
With our hassle free annual renewal, you will be contacted prior to the end of a "twelve month contract period". If you are happy, we will simply advise you in writing of the coming twelve months fee and continue to collect on the existing Direct Debit.
Business Planning & Continuity
Gives the "Responsible Person" the ability to prove compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
"Evidence trail of the continuance of service provision" without lapse
"Complete peace of mind knowing you are safeguarding yourself, your employees & your colleagues"
We believe at Advanced Fire Technologies, that making our Direct Debit facility available to all our Clients, demonstrates our total customer commitment.
We realise that there is no substitute for repeat and referral business. That is why 100% customer satisfaction is still our number-one business Asset.
Enquire Now...