Escape Fire...
Emergency Lighting
The requirement for emergency lighting, its type and location, is defined through the carrying out of a fire risk assessment. Advanced Fire Technologies can install, service and maintain emergency lighting to aid safe evacuation in the event of a power failure to normal lighting. Read More...
Fire Extinguishers
If you are an employer or building owner / occupier you have a duty of care under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to take the necessary steps to protect your employees and people within your building from the risk of fire. In order to conform to British Standard 5306-3: 2009, you should ensure that all fire extinguishers are inspected, serviced and properly maintained at least once a year. Read More...
Fire Safety Signage
Having the right sign in the right place will help ensure the safe evacuation of staff in the event of a fire and will also help to comply with the regulations. Advanced Fire Technologies' range of fire and safety signs incorporate the latest technology to provide cost effective solutions. Read More...
Evacuation Chair
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (FSO) came into force in October 2006 and included a requirement to take special note of fire safety relating to vulnerable groups such as the disabled. Despite the fact that this legislation has now been with us for over two years, it remains surprising that many managers are still unsure of their exact duties. Read More...